31 ottobre 2011

Cartolina 9 & 14 November

Publisher Peter Dowling, and Jill and Stefano Fusi (translator and editor, respectively) talk about the launch of the book To the Gateways of Florence, about the New Zealand forces in Tuscany in 1944, and the (now) well known episode of the liberation of the little town of Tavarnelle in Val di Pesa.

We play a 1948 archive recording of  Blue Smoke.

17 ottobre 2011

10 ottobre 2011

Cartolina 12 October

Tony Lambert introduces the 16th Italian Film Festival. Bringing the Festival to earthquake-stricken Christchurch has involved overcoming huge logistical hurdles, but the commitment was unwavering….

8 ottobre 2011

Book launch 19 October

The book has been co-authored by a  mother and daughter team: Alessandra Zecchini and Arantxa Zecchini-Dowling.

6 ottobre 2011

Cartolina 28 September & 3 October

Maria Fresia discusses Apulia: landscape, food, people. They have plenty of tales to tell... not enough time!
Maria, Sandra & Mamma Yvette on a small road in Apulia